How Programming languages came into existence

How Programming languages came into existence

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Hi, friends, I’m back with another post.  In this post, I’m going to discuss the evolution of the programming languages.
Ok then Initially programming languages were officially evolved in the year of 1957. I don’t irritate you by saying simple history and make you sleep in my class. So I will say just types and its evolution. before going into the evolution of programming languages. you should know about the basic terms of coding.
Machine code
The first and foremost one is machine code.
I think all of you know what the computer understands. If you don’t know don’t worry I’m going to explain it.

We speak different kinds of languages like English, Hindi, Telugu etc. But the computer can speak and understand only one language that is machine code. In this machine code, only 1 and 0 are used. It is very tough for the human being to learn and understand. So 
Assembly Languages
Instead of writing instructions in binaries, programmers
could code something like “STORE_A 14”.
Of course, a computer has no idea what “STORE_A 14” is.
It doesn’t recognize text-based language, it can recognize only binary.
And so programmers came up with this idea.
They created reusable helper programs, in binary that can read text-based instructions
and automatically assemble them into the corresponding binary instructions.
These are known as assembly languages.
It reads a program written in an Assembly Language and converts it to native machine code.
“STORE_A 14” is one of the examples of an assembly language command.
Assembly languages are the next generation languages to the machine code. Even these types of languages are known as low-level languages. In this type of languages in the place of the binaries, simple words like “LOAD”, “PRINT” and etc were replaced. This is somewhat easier than machine code. These languages are not object-oriented-languages. Some of the examples are IBM dos, lotus and etc.If you don’t know what are object-oriented languages then listen.
Object-Oriented Languages
First OOL came in the focus in the year 1962. The name of the language is simula. Object-oriented languages are the languages where we can define our own variables and functions. The OOL will be more user-friendly than non-OOL.
High-level languages
A high-level language is one of the types of programming languages. These will be more user-friendly. High-level languages are less code more efficient. Some of the languages are python, java, c and etc. Do you know that the if we write c code in 10 lines you can write it in 3 lines in java and 1 line in python
Then we will go to the past.
1st generation languages
What are 1st generation languages? 1st generation languages are launched in the 1940’s period. It is also known as machine code, binaries and low-level languages. It is the only language that a computer can understand without a compiler. A compiler means like a translator for the computer. It is still used for low-level functions like drivers, firmware and hardware manipulation. This language is not portable because the memory locations may vary by computer for example “STORE_A 14” is stored in my computer at memory location 1 but it may vary as computer varies.
Advantages and Disadvantages of 1GL
·        It does not need compiler because the language itself is computer’s native language.
·        It is fast and efficient because it does need to compile. By reading itself it can recognize.
·        This all code have to be remembered
·        If we get an error it is difficult to solve because it is all 0 and 1
·        All memory places have to remember
If we follow this then more than the code our notes will be more

2nd Generation languages
By seeing the picture itself you are going to have an idea a language called assembly language going to be converted into machine code then it is recognized by cpu.
These Languages are introduced in the 1950’s. This 2nd GL is known as an assembler. Commands will be in the form of mnemonic code instead of 0’s and 1’s like MUL for multiplying. These types of commands are compiled by assemblers. Even these type of languages are not portable. These type of languages are still used for game, video editing and graphic manipulation.
Advantages and Disadvantages of 2GL
It is also fast and efficient language. For these type of languages, you don’t need to remember the memory locations. Binaries are replaced mnemonic code which is easy to remember than binary

Even this language takes more time to code program because even remembering these mnemonic codes are hard. There is no portability between computers and even no SDK’s are there for this development.

3rd Generation Programming Languages
 Types of High Level Languages
Algebraic formula based processing : 
These languages are used for formula solving problems
Examples :
ALGOL  (Algorithmic Language)
FORTRAN  (FORmula TRANslator)
BASIC(Basic Algorithm Symbolic )
These type of languages are used for calculations
Business Data processing:
These languages are used shopping bills and storage of files for business
COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)
RPG (Report Program Generator)
String and list processing:
These types of languages are used for searching, editing like delete and inserting the data.
LISP (LIst PRocessing)
Prolog (PROgram in LOGic)

Object Oriented Programming system (OOPS)
It is used for various purposes for app building
Java Script
Objective C

Visual Programming Language
It is used for building Windows-based applications
Visual c#
Visual basic

Advantages and Disadvantages of 3GL
Easy to learn because the code a slight human language even this is portable between the computer you can install it anywhere just with that .exe file for java files you need JDK this is one exception and the syntax is much less than the previous Gls
Less Efficient and less fast when compared to assembly and machine languages

4th Generation Programming Languages
Those are launched between 1970’s and 1990’s period. It is similar to natural languages. If you are using 10 lines in 3rd generation languages then in 4th generation languages it is just 1 line. It doesn’t depend on the machine because it is not machine language. It is non-procedural language
Some of Languages are:
5th Generation Programming Languages
It is a programming language based on problem-solving using constraints given to the program, rather than using an algorithm written by a programmer
These languages Launched in the 1990s
Examples of the languages are Mercury, OPS5, and Prolog.
These type languages mainly used for AI Research like in iron man 1 movie.

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